Fishog’s Fierce Find

This was a canoe trip my wife the dog and I took to find Fishog’s Fierce Find. It was a beautiful day for a paddle, and despite a breeze that made for some rough water on Head Lake we made good time.  Things got a lot easier at the river until the portage.

We were about to carry up the first hill when some kayakers offered to help us.  My wife carried the gear while one of the friendly strangers and I hauled the boat over the hills and rocks.  On the way back we had no help so I carried the canoe while my wife carried our gear and the dog ran around doing nothing.

There was also some wind on Fishog lake, but it just made for a slight current. The winds and the steep portage make this a rewarding trip, but it’s not too hard.  There are enough cottages and motorboats in the area that it doesn’t really feel remote, but once you get to Fishog lake you do experience the calm of nature.

It was our dogs first canoe trip, and it took him a while to learn to sit still in the boat. Eventually he got with the program, and I think he’s a big fan of canoeing now.  He took a nap while we paddled on the way back.

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